Allah mencipta satu jenis makhluk yang bernama manusia...
walaupun satu jenis tapi mempunyai pelbagai perwatakan...
perwatakan itulah biasanya membuatkan aku jatuh dan naik...
kerana aku lemah di sisi-Nya...
sesungguhnya setiap dugaan itulah nikmat...
tetapi aku tidak kuat untuk menghadapinya kadang-kadang...
oleh kerana kita ni Islam, kenalah terima dengan hati yang terbuka...
mungkin bukan rezeki aku untuk bermasyarakat lagi...
Insya'Allah, aku diberi hidayah dan taufiq suatu hari nanti...
Allah sentiasa adil dalam setiap perkara yang Dia lakukan...
siapalah aku untuk mempertikaikan perbuatan-Nya...
senyum dan bersabarlah dalam mengharungi setiap dugaan yang menimpa...
sesungguhnya Engkau sahaja yang aku wajib bergantung harap...
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A-li 'Imraan [7]
Dia lah yang menurunkan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Sebahagian besar dari Al-Quran itu ialah ayat-ayat "Muhkamaat" (yang tetap, tegas dan nyata maknanya serta jelas maksudnya); ayat-ayat Muhkamaat itu ialah ibu (atau pokok) isi Al-Quran. Dan yang lain lagi ialah ayat-ayat "Mutasyaabihaat" (yang samar-samar, tidak terang maksudnya). Oleh sebab itu (timbulah faham yang berlainan menurut kandungan hati masing-masing) - adapun orang-orang yang ada dalam hatinya kecenderungan ke arah kesesatan, maka mereka selalu menurut apa yang samar-samar dari Al-Quran untuk mencari fitnah dan mencari-cari Takwilnya (memutarkan maksudnya menurut yang disukainya). Padahal tidak ada yang mengetahui Takwilnya (tafsir maksudnya yang sebenar) melainkan Allah. Dan orang-orang yang tetap teguh serta mendalam pengetahuannya dalam ilmu-ilmu ugama, berkata:" Kami beriman kepadanya, semuanya itu datangnya dari sisi Tuhan kami" Dan tiadalah yang mengambil pelajaran dan peringatan melainkan orang-orang yang berfikiran.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
memerangi nafsu dan syatian
Sebahagian ulamak ada yang mengatakan: "Barangsiapa telah dikuasai oleh nafsunya, maka dia akan menjadi hamba syahwatnya. Ia merengkuk dalam penjara kegilaannya. Dan hatinya semakin lalai. Barangsiapa menyirami bumi tubuh ini dengan syahwat, bererti dia telah menanam 'pohon' penyesalan dalam hatinya."
Sesungguhnya Allah menciptakan makhluk ada tiga bahagian. Dia menjadikan malaikat hanya diberi akal, tanpa syahwat. Lalu Dia menjadikan haiwan yang dibekali syahwat tanpa akal dan Allah menjadikan manusia dengan diberi akal dan syahwat. Jika syahwat seseorang telah mengalahkan akalnya, maka haiwan lebih baik daripada dia. Namun barangsiapa menggunakan akal dan menundukkan syahwatnya, tentulah dia lebih baik dari malaikat.
Syahwat dapat membuatkan raja menjadi hamba. Sedangkan sabar akan membuatkan budak menjadi raja...
Sesungguhnya Allah menciptakan makhluk ada tiga bahagian. Dia menjadikan malaikat hanya diberi akal, tanpa syahwat. Lalu Dia menjadikan haiwan yang dibekali syahwat tanpa akal dan Allah menjadikan manusia dengan diberi akal dan syahwat. Jika syahwat seseorang telah mengalahkan akalnya, maka haiwan lebih baik daripada dia. Namun barangsiapa menggunakan akal dan menundukkan syahwatnya, tentulah dia lebih baik dari malaikat.
Syahwat dapat membuatkan raja menjadi hamba. Sedangkan sabar akan membuatkan budak menjadi raja...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
there is where our emotions are...
from emotion, feelings will appear...
when a person feels something...
he/ she will think of something...
that something will tell us whether that person is a good person or a bad person...
when we think of something, we have to remember that Allah is always there to hear what our heart speaks...
think first before thinking...
our heart is like a mirror...
it reflects the person who owns it...
every black hearted person will be payed based on how dark the person's heart is or was...
no matter how dark a person's heart is, there is some goodness in his life...
many things happen in one's heart...
nobody knows...
a white hearted person can be seen by his face...
if a person has a dark skin, doesn't mean his heart is also that dark...
so, don't judge a book by it's cover...
there is where our emotions are...
from emotion, feelings will appear...
when a person feels something...
he/ she will think of something...
that something will tell us whether that person is a good person or a bad person...
when we think of something, we have to remember that Allah is always there to hear what our heart speaks...
think first before thinking...
our heart is like a mirror...
it reflects the person who owns it...
every black hearted person will be payed based on how dark the person's heart is or was...
no matter how dark a person's heart is, there is some goodness in his life...
many things happen in one's heart...
nobody knows...
a white hearted person can be seen by his face...
if a person has a dark skin, doesn't mean his heart is also that dark...
so, don't judge a book by it's cover...
(When I arrived a place called Earth)
It all started when God gave me a chance to see the world by a simple storyline called life..
He gave and He can take it anytime..
Many things I obtained from Him..
I thank Him for all that..
Many things happened..
All those was to remind me about Him..
My goal for this one and only story is to find out what is the meaning of His creations..
I want to explore more about this..
Time and destiny will let me know all..
I will try to get some light from His clues..
That is Al-Quran and Sunnah..
I belive in problem=theory=solve=answer..
Life will be easier for me if I follow this equation..
Because it is true..
From this..
I will get more knowledge..
When my time is up..
I have to go..
Leave this ugly road..
To a new place..
Where I am supposed to be placed..
My storyline will end when He stops it..
And there is nothing I can do about it..
If we lose somebody..
Or a friend, there is got to be a reason..
We have to accept it..
He is the owner of all the things that He had created..
He is Allah and Islam is the rightful religion..
Just believe it..
If you don't trust me, trust Islam..
Its worth forever..
I may not be the best human in the world..
But I will try to be one..
Nothing is impossible in life..
I will hold on with the word 'READ' to achieve big things like The Prophet did..
He gave and He can take it anytime..
Many things I obtained from Him..
I thank Him for all that..
Many things happened..
All those was to remind me about Him..
My goal for this one and only story is to find out what is the meaning of His creations..
I want to explore more about this..
Time and destiny will let me know all..
I will try to get some light from His clues..
That is Al-Quran and Sunnah..
I belive in problem=theory=solve=answer..
Life will be easier for me if I follow this equation..
Because it is true..
From this..
I will get more knowledge..
When my time is up..
I have to go..
Leave this ugly road..
To a new place..
Where I am supposed to be placed..
My storyline will end when He stops it..
And there is nothing I can do about it..
If we lose somebody..
Or a friend, there is got to be a reason..
We have to accept it..
He is the owner of all the things that He had created..
He is Allah and Islam is the rightful religion..
Just believe it..
If you don't trust me, trust Islam..
Its worth forever..
I may not be the best human in the world..
But I will try to be one..
Nothing is impossible in life..
I will hold on with the word 'READ' to achieve big things like The Prophet did..
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